[Opendnssec-develop] status of the enforcer?

Patrik Wallstrom patrik.wallstrom at iis.se
Tue May 26 09:11:03 UTC 2009

I am trying to get the enforcer running. There are two programs that  
need to work (except for kaspimport that I can run), keygend and  

Both programs say that they accept the following command line options:

   -d          Debug.
   -u          Change effective uid to the specified user.
   -P pidfile  Specify the PID file to write.
   -v          Print version.
   -?          This help.

The README for the enforcer says this:

Once built the communicated binary takes the following options:
-n <NAME>       name of KASP DB user
-s <SCHEMA>     schema to use in the KASP DB (or DB file if using  
-p <PASS>       password for DB schema user
-h <HOST>       host machine of DB
-u <USER>       local user to suid as
-P <FILE>       pid file to use
-d              debug mode (do not daemonise)

I cannot pass the -s options to neither of the programs.

The KASP db file initiated by kaspimport (I am using sqlite3 now) -  
shouldn't this file (or MySQL user and db information) be stored in  
kasp.xml rather than as options to the different binaries?

With full understanding that this is work in progress of course.

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