[Opendnssec-develop] KASP Auditor Implementation

Stephen.Morris at nominet.org.uk Stephen.Morris at nominet.org.uk
Tue May 12 09:00:55 UTC 2009

"Rickard Bondesson" <rickard.bondesson at iis.se> wrote on 12/05/2009 

> Sounds reasonable. What is your view concerning performance, 
> reliability, and correctness in Ruby and DNSRuby? How much do you 
> need to install to be able to run the KASP Auditor?

I'm biased, but I think it is reliable. I believe that ISC are using it 
for the front-end to their DLV repository.

As to performance, we have not done any measurements so that is something 
that needs to be checked.  However, the requirements for the KASP auditor 
do allow for the auditor to check a sample of the records, so I guess that 
if performance is an issue, we tune the sample size to fit the available 

Finally, Ruby is installed on many operating systems.  The DNSRuby package 
needs to be installed, but as that is available on Rubyforge, "gem" can be 
used to install it.  "gem" is the Ruby package manager and will be 
available Ruby; with it, installation of DNSRuby is nothing more than 
issuing the command "sudo gem install dnsruby".


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