[Opendnssec-develop] KASP Auditor Implementation

Jakob Schlyter jakob at kirei.se
Mon May 11 09:40:30 UTC 2009

On 11 maj 2009, at 11.35, Stephen.Morris at nominet.org.uk wrote:

> We now have the requirements for the KASP Auditor, but have not said
> anything about the implementation language.  What are the feelings  
> about
> implementing it in Ruby, using the DNSRuby library (
> http://rubyforge.org/projects/dnsruby)?
> I ask because DNSRuby is a project that we have been running  
> internally,
> and the developer is both available and interested in a project like  
> this.

as the auditor is very different from the rest of the components, I  
think this seems like a doable idea. also, sharing (or borrowing :-)  
code from other parts of the project will not happen easily :-)


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