Reminder : [Opendnssec-develop] hsm-toolkit update, and some open questions

Jakob Schlyter jakob at
Mon Mar 30 15:15:44 UTC 2009

I've successfully create 100 rsa1024 keys on the sca6000 in kuriputo  
using roy's tool.

-- excerpt --
kuriputo> pkcs11-tool --login -O --module /usr/lib/ --pin  
Private Key Object; RSA
   label:      116b741a-f882-44f3-dbab-c41ff1c89dd2
   ID:         116b741af88244f3dbabc41ff1c89dd2
   Usage:      sign
Public Key Object; RSA 1024 bits
   label:      116b741a-f882-44f3-dbab-c41ff1c89dd2
   ID:         116b741af88244f3dbabc41ff1c89dd2
   Usage:      verify
Private Key Object; RSA
   label:      529d5c74-58fb-47d9-ce7b-e6635d4572eb
   ID:         529d5c7458fb47d9ce7be6635d4572eb
   Usage:      sign
Public Key Object; RSA 1024 bits
   label:      529d5c74-58fb-47d9-ce7b-e6635d4572eb
   ID:         529d5c7458fb47d9ce7be6635d4572eb
   Usage:      verify
-- excerpt --

strange: if I specify pin as test:1234 on the command line it works.  
if I input test:1234 when prompted, it does not.


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