[Opendnssec-develop] common configuration file

roy at nominet.org.uk roy at nominet.org.uk
Mon Mar 30 12:08:46 UTC 2009

Jakob wrote on 03/30/2009 02:05:56 PM:

> [Opendnssec-develop] common configuration file
> for a number of stuff, we need a common OpenDNSSEC configuration file
> that all our tools can use. things that would go into this would be
> some runtime parameters, like the configured pkcs11-libs etc.
> what would be the preferred format?
> 1.   YAML-style? (like nsd and unbound)
> 2.   XML. we all hate it, we all know it.
> 3.   [.ini-style]
>    tag=value

My preferred order: 1 3 2


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