[Opendnssec-develop] Zone moving between operators

roy at nominet.org.uk roy at nominet.org.uk
Wed Mar 25 09:11:27 UTC 2009

Rick van Rein wrote on 03/25/2009 10:01:12 AM:

> Hi,
> > However, this is no issue if we decide one key should not span multiple
> > zones.
> This should neither be the default, nor should it be forbidden.
> The administrator should be enabled to choose, based on the capacity
> of the HSM in use (which may be a small USB key, remember).
> If you forbid it, you disable that cheap range of PKCS #11 devices.
> If you make it the default, you would not use the full power of a full

I agree.

The software should allow for several schemes, without dictating any


Roy Arends
Sr. Researcher
Nominet UK

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