[Opendnssec-develop] HSM recommendations or not? Perhaps a short review instead

Roland van Rijswijk roland.vanrijswijk at surfnet.nl
Mon Mar 16 13:46:16 UTC 2009

Hi Jakob, all,

Maybe a "HOWTO" form is more useful; describe how one product or other
was used with OpenDNSSEC and what had to be done to get it to work with
OpenDNSSEC. In this way, you don't give explicit recommendations (i.e.
no endorsing of one product over another). Pro's and con's can still be
part of a HOWTO B.T.W.



Jakob Schlyter wrote:
> how about recoming the HSM product list and comparision and replace them
> with a list of the HSM:s we have 1st hand experience with?
>  - Sun SCA6000
>  - AEP?
>  - MARX Cryptobox (soonish)
> a short summary of features, approx cost and pros/cons. nothing more and
> no complete guide.
> makes sense?
>     jakob
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-- Roland M. van Rijswijk
-- SURFnet Middleware Services
-- t: +31-30-2305388
-- e: roland.vanrijswijk at surfnet.nl

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