[Opendnssec-develop] hsm-toolkit questions

John Dickinson jad at jadickinson.co.uk
Wed Mar 11 18:22:40 UTC 2009

On 11 Mar 2009, at 18:15, Rick van Rein wrote:

> There is no such thing as a random UUID; there are UUIDs (which are in
> part random) and, as a totally different thing, random numbers that
> may or may not look alike.

man uuid_generate

"       The uuid_generate_time function forces the use of the  
alternative algo-
        rithm which uses the current time and the local  ethernet   
MAC  address
        (if available).  This algorithm used to be the default one  
used to gen-
        erate UUID, but because of the use of the ethernet MAC  
address, it  can
        leak information about when and where the UUID was generated.   
This can
        cause privacy problems in some applications, so the  
uuid_generate func-
        tion only uses this algorithm if a high-quality source of  
randomness is
        not available.

John Dickinson

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