[Opendnssec-develop] Building SoftHSM RC 1

Rick van Rein rick at openfortress.nl
Tue Jul 7 22:17:23 UTC 2009


> What I do on my projects at Labs is to automatically create the configure
> scripts when building a release tarball (for which I have a makedist.sh
> script);
> in releases it is then just a matter of running ./configure && make install.
> But since configure (and Makefile.in in this case) are generated automatically
> they should not be in the repository, imho.

Putting it in the release tarballs is good middle grounds.  Asking people
to have automake and such installed is less problematic for those who
lurk on the Subversion tree than for those who download a tarball.

Still, good building instructions are needed, as there are varieties of
doing these things, and (I at least) am usually trying things until,
somehow, magically, things start to build.  That's not good enough IM(H)O.

> This is indeed a two-schools kind of thing; at least one of my colleagues at
> Labs does not agree :)

Let's not start a war... adding ./configure to tarballs is a very
good idea to resolve it pragmatically, I think.

Others agreed?

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