[Opendnssec-develop] ksmutil

sion at nominet.org.uk sion at nominet.org.uk
Wed Jul 1 13:17:25 UTC 2009

I'm replying to Jakob's and Stephen's comments in one...

> > > Currently the usage reports:
> > >
> > > usage: ksmutil [-f config_dir] setup [path_to_kasp.xml]
> > >        Import config_dir into a database (deletes current contents)
> > > usage: ksmutil [-f config_dir] update [path_to_kasp.xml]
> > >        Update database from config_dir
> > > usage: ksmutil [-f config_dir] addzone zone [policy]
> > > [path_to_signerconf.xml] [input] [output]
> > >        Add a zone to the config_dir and database
> > > usage: ksmutil [-f config_dir] delzone zone
> > >        Delete a zone from the config_dir and database
> > > usage: ksmutil [-f config_dir] rollzone zone [KSK|ZSK]
> > >        Rollover a zone (may roll all zones on that policy)
> > > usage: ksmutil [-f config_dir] rollpolicy policy [KSK|ZSK]
> > >        Rollover all zones on a policy
> >
> > -f config_dir is more like [-f config] for the main config file I
> > hope. all other params can be derived from it.

Except for kasp.xml... either works, I was thinking that the directory is
where all of the files (.xml and .rng) are. I am happy to change it so that
you specify the conf.xml and it is assumed that everything else is in the
same place.

> Some general observations:
> a) Would "ksm" be better than "ksmutil" (shorter to type)?
> b) What about an "interactive" mode, allowing a sequence of ksm
> (util) commands to be entered (and state to be carried across
> between commands)?
> c) Regarding "-f config_dir", is there a case for a search path:
> i) if "-f config_dir" is specified on the command line, use that.
> ii) Otherwise translate the environment variable
> "OPENDNSSEC_CONFIGDIR" (or something) and use that
> iii) Else look in a default location?
> d) The form of the command is:
> % ksm(util) <verb> <flags> <arguments>
> ... where the verb is a single token.  In the examples above, the
> command for rolling a zone is "rollzone <zone>" and the command for
> rolling a policy is "rollpolicy <policy>".  Do we want a more
> sophisticated parser that can take multiple words to determine the
> action, e.g. "roll zone <zone>" and "roll policy <policy>"?
> e) Should we allow the parser to recognise unambiguous abbreviations
> (e.g., "rollz" and "rollp" for the single token case, perhaps "r z"
> and "r p" for the multi-word case)?

I'm more concerned with getting the functionality covered, rather than the
exact commands that will be typed.
The interactive mode would come eventually (possibly as part of "edit

> ... and one specific observation:
> a) If we have "addzone" and "delzone", we should also have "listzone".


> > > "backup done"
> >
> > yes.
> Agreed, although I would modify this to:
> "backup done [date]"
> ... where the default is the date/time at which the command is
> issued.  This just covers the case where a backup is done but the
> ksm command is not issued until some time later.  It prevents keys
> created since the backup up being made available prematurely.
> We should also have
> "backup list"
> ... to list the date of last backup (dates of last backups?)


> > > "add repository"
> > > "remove repository"
> >
> > these are all done by editing the main config file.
> >
> > > "add policy"
> > > "remove policy"
> >
> > these are done by editing the KASP and reimported. IMHO, import should

> > REPLACE all existing policies, i.e. the import is more of a one-way
> > replace.
> >
> > > "copy policy"
> >
> > where to?
> >
> > "export policy", dumping the database as KASP, would be nice. as well.

So my idea was that "add [something]" would add it to both the xml and the
Copy policy would make a new policy from an existing one, which could then
be edited. Really just a way of getting most of it setup and allowing you
to tweak just those parameters that you want to.

> This raises a question as to where the master copy of the policy
> should be.  At the moment, the XML file is read into the database
> and all access to the policy is via the database.  Why should we
> regard the XML as the master copy - why not the contents of the database?

> Assuming that import and export functions are provided, then editing
> a policy with a text editor would be the sequence:
> * export policy to XML
> * edit XML
> * import and replace policy
> ... whereas a more sophisticated editing tool might access the
> database directly.
> If we take this view, then I suggest we need:
> import [-r | -d] file
> Imports a policy file.  "-r" forces replacement of policies with
> identical names.  Without this, a duplicate policy name causes an
> error.  "-d" deletes all policies before the import. (Importing a
> single policy without replacing others allows the possibility (for
> example) of the publication of example policies on the web site -
> people could download and import them without affecting their existing
> export file [policy [policy ...]]
> Exports the named policies to a file.  If no policies are given, all
> policies are exported.
> list [-z]
> Lists a summary of the policies (e.g. names of the policies and, if
> -z is specified, the zones associated with them).
> > > "edit policy" might need some sort of interactive command line
> > > interface,
> > > the code for which is lurking around out of subversion.
> >
> > yes, we can do that later I believe. it might even be a separate
> > program (or a rails app).

This looks like a bigger can of worms than I thought. rails app implies
that the database is the definitive copy of the policy, use of import
implies that the xml is. Shall we say that until a GUI policy editor exists
then the xml is definitive and editing the file and re-importing is okay.
I'll add export policy to the wish list.

> > > "import keys" (keys created somewhere other than keygend)
> >
> > yes, that is important. import should take a CKA_ID, a zone and a key
> > type and state?

important for alpha or beta?

> > > "list [keys|policies|etc]"
> >
> > yes, please.


> Another guideline I've always found useful: if you have "add
> <something>" and "delete <something>" commands, you are usually
> likely to want "list <something>" and "modify <something>" as well.

Okay. Pivotal doesn't seem to have any concept of priority as far as I can
see, or am I missing something?

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