[Opendnssec-develop] revised - Meeting minutes from todays meeting

Olaf Kolkman olaf at NLnetLabs.nl
Fri Jan 16 10:28:06 UTC 2009

Filling in a blank spot.

> Commitment
> ----------
> Roy Arends - will participate on the list, and on the conference calls
> John Dickinson - 4 weeks? And spare time
> Jelte Jansen - 2-3 days per week
> Olaf Kolkman -

Ca an hour or two per week.

I see my role mostly as making sure there are no dead-locks for NLnet  
Labs commitment to proceed. And also try to take a way lessons learned  
for RFC 4641 bis. Further, as said on the call, I am interested in  
"Version 2" and while our first priority is on getting Versions 1  
working I want to continue with Version 2 and architecting that in  

Wouter will be in the loop too, but also for version 2 and from a  
'spare time' perspective.

> Matthijs Mekking - 2-3 days per week
> Stephen Morris - ... Sean
> Rick van Rein - 1 day per week
> Roland van Rijswijk - 1 day per week
> Jakob Schlyter - 1 day per week?
> Patrik Wallström - 1 day per week

Olaf M. Kolkman                        NLnet Labs
                                        Science Park 140,
http://www.nlnetlabs.nl/               1098 XG Amsterdam

NB: The street at which our offices are located has been
renamed to the above.

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