[Opendnssec-develop] True Random Number Generator

John Dickinson jad at jadickinson.co.uk
Thu Jan 15 10:16:31 UTC 2009

On 13 Jan 2009, at 07:59, Rickard Bondesson wrote:

> Hash: SHA256
>> Well I really like softHSM - it is so easy to use and I
>> really like the fact that it sort of creates users every time
>> you use a different pin. - So simple :)
> :)
>> How about a debug mode where softHSM logs all the pkcs11
>> calls to a file (maybe something simple like if you link to a
>> version of the lib called libsofthsm-DEBUG.so. (I am thinking
>> of the debug mode of a AEP Keyper where it logs if you access
>> it via a host name of HSML instead of HSM.)
> I will put it in my todo list.

I just came across pkcs11-spy.so - part of opencryptoki. It seems to  
do what I was wanting. You link your app to pkcs11-spy.so and set an  
environment variable to point to the actual pkcs11 lib you want to use

export PKCS11SPY=/usr/local/lib/libsofthsm.so

then run the app and you get output like this

*************** OpenSC PKCS#11 spy *****************
Loaded: "/usr/local/lib/libsofthsm.so"

0: C_GetFunctionList
Returned:  0 CKR_OK

1: C_Initialize
[in] pInitArgs = 0x7ffffdf9b000
Returned:  0 CKR_OK

2: C_GetInfo
       cryptokiVersion:         2.20
       manufacturerID:         ' SoftHSM                        '
       flags:                   0
       libraryDescription:     ' Implementation of PKCS11       '
       libraryVersion:          0.1
Returned:  0 CKR_OK


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