[Opendnssec-develop] interaction between the Signer and KASP

Rickard Bondesson Rickard.Bondesson at iis.se
Fri Jan 9 10:16:58 UTC 2009

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> OK - here is a start - please add anything missing.
> Agenda
> Nominate someone to take minutes - I suggest the last person to fill  
> in the doodle :)
> With reference to the document I distributed
> 1. Agree what the components are
> 1a. Discuss any known contradictions on the wiki
> 1b. How do the components interface with each other in both the  
> prototype and final systems
> 1c. Discuss technology to be used for each component
> 1d. Do we know the requirements for each component?
> 1e. Answer the question Matthijs asked in his email (see below)
> 2. Agree who is developing each component
> 3. Discussion of the commitment needed for each component and  
> available from each party.
> 4. Brief update on the state of each component where possible
> 5. Discuss and agree plan to move forward
> 5a. Discuss timeline for whole project
> 5b. Decide on milestones for each component
> 5c. What about testing?
> 6. Decide on date of next meeting
> 7. Agree actions
> 7a. Who writes minutes
> 7b. Who is writing any documentation still needed
> 7c. Who updates the wiki based on this meeting
> 7d. Other...
> List of questions from Matthijs
> 1. From the opendnssec.org website, I assume that the Signer has to
> determine the inception and expiration times on signatures. It can
> determine this from the refresh interval. (Ok, not a real question:))
> 2. What's the difference between zone resigning interval and signature
> refresh interval? Imho, they are the same, but described differently.
> 3. What is the priority of changing security parameters? For 
> example, it
> could be that the signature validity period has changed. Does 
> this need
> to be applied to all signatures directly, or are they applied to
> upcoming generated signatures only?
> 4. What is meant with signature jitter and clockskew? Does this affect
> the zone content? If so, in what way?

+1 Good agenda. How about a meeting on Wednesday at 14:00 CET? Meeting set up as Jelte suggested?
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