[Opendnssec-develop] More configuration for signer and auditor

Alexd at nominet.org.uk Alexd at nominet.org.uk
Wed Aug 5 13:59:42 UTC 2009

> so I suggest you execute the auditor
> a) for all zone in the zonelist
> b) for a single zone in the zone list

This is the current implementation.

> for (b) it should be possible to override filenames for the unsigned 
> and signed version of the zone.
> for both (a) and (b) it should be possible to override the policy file.

This does seem more complicated than the convention solution, but I'll 
happily implement it if required. ?

> the signer engine can use (b) and point to temporary (unaudited) 
> signed file. no need for the auditor to know about the signer's 
> working directory.

The auditor currently uses the Signer/WorkingDirectory to store its own 
temporary files. Should an Auditor/WorkingDirectory be defined? If so, 
then I suppose the convention solution isn't really appropriate.


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