[Opendnssec-develop] SoftHSM

Roy Arends roy at nominet.org.uk
Mon Dec 1 12:30:15 UTC 2008

"Rickard Bondesson" <Rickard.Bondesson at iis.se> wrote on 12/01/2008 
01:12:55 PM:

> What is your view about the SoftHSM? Should it become a solution for
> OpenDNSSEC or a general purpose HSM?

I don't think these goals are mutual exclusive. The required functionality 
for OpenDNSSEC is a small subset of a fully featured "virtual" HSM. We 
need SoftHSM to at least work with OpenDNSSEC. Though I do see some value 
for SoftHSM for other purposes outside of OpenDNSSEC (for which it then 
needs richer functionality), but I'd give that less (or no) priority.

> For example:
> - - In OpenDNSSEC there is no need of having the possibility to add 
> external public keys to the HSM, since we do not need to verify 
> external signatures or encrypt data to a third party.

That is correct.

> - - In OpenDNSSEC we do not need to encrypt/decrypt anything.


> - - Since we only sign information, we do not need to keep track of 
> whether a key pair is for signing or encryption.

To be clear, OpenDNSSEC is also capable of using a real HSM, one that 
might store keys for encryption purposes as well. So if a pkcs11 template 
is generated for a request, I'd like to contain CKA_SIGN=TRUE (at least) 
and maybe even CKA_DECRYPT=FALSE. In short, the softtoken does need to 
understand (or ignore, but not fail) those attributes.

> - - A general solution would need a more complex internal key 
> handling solution.


> - - A general purpose solution would become a bit slower since we 
> have to handle more internal state cases.


Hope this helps.


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