[Opendnssec-announce] OpenDNSSEC 1.3.11

Sara Dickinson sara at sinodun.com
Tue Nov 13 13:58:02 UTC 2012


Version 1.3.11 of OpenDNSSEC has now been released. This is the latest stable release.

* OPENDNSSEC-330: NSEC3PARAM TTL should be set to zero.

* OPENDNSSEC-306: Cant delete zone until Enforcer made signerconf.
* OPENDNSSEC-281: Commandhandler sometimes unresponsive.
* OPENDNSSEC-299: ods-ksmutil <enter> now includes policy import
* OPENDNSSEC-300: ods-ksmutil policy purge documented with a warning
* OPENDNSSEC-338: ods-ksmutil: fix zone delete on MySQL (broken by SUPPORT-27)
* OPENDNSSEC-342: Auditor comparisons made case-insensitive
* OPENDNSSEC-345: ods-ksmutil: use ods-control to HUP the enforcerd process

Download the tarball from: 


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